The teddy bear family consisting of nearly 6000 individual pieces gives an idea about the huge private collection founded by Antal Balázs born in Rákóczifalva and by his family some years ago.
At the exhibition, you can find 100 years old pieces, teddy bears wearing special historic costume, and so called traveling bears, as well. The latter ones advertise the museum on photos prepared in far countries. It is worth to mention the individually designed and prepared costumes evoking different historic eras. In addition to their origin, they also resuscitate the dressing style of the historic eras. Additionally, there are costumes made of unusual material, as well. With the help of the skilled hands of the folk craft, arts, florists, the bears come to life in special clothing adjusted to their personality. The dresses and a large part of the costumes were sewed, designed by the late Balázs Antalné, Aunt Piroska, but the works of Ildikó Debreczeni theatre costume designer are also represented in the form of the “Seven Leaders”, “King Stephen” and “Queen Gizella”. The Teddy Bear Museum has interesting things not only for the kids, but for the adults, as well. The several decades old, or even more than a century old elaborately decorated metal boxes remember to us the feeling of the world of our great-grandparents. The past closed in the boxes is really a rarity: cigar, coffee, tea, chocolate, cacao, face powder, face cream exactly as they were sold in the ancient times, packed in colorful metal boxes.
The Teddy Bear Museum awaits the visitors with its unique collection.
Opening hours: Monday – closed; from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Contact details:
Rákóczifalva, Szabadság tér 3 , 5085
Mobile: +36 56 441 023
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Website: www.macimuzeum.hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BAP-Macim%C3%BAzeum-109761085766654/