In Hungary, you can find exclusively in Cserkeszőlő a room constructed from healing salt originating in Bochemia (Poland). This is a climatic treatment place where you can enjoy the micro climate of the natural salt mines at any time. The walls, ceiling and floor of the room are all covered by a salt layer.
Its medical effect to the respiratory mucosa and smooth muscle of bronchi eliminates the inflammation, reduces the allergy complaints, restores the physiologic characteristics, and the microflora of the breathing organs. In strengthens the immune system of the body, increases the bearing capacity of the individual. It is effective in case of asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, emphysema, post-treatment after pulmonary surgery, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhynopharingitis and sinusitis, breathing difficulties.
It can be used even without medical referral.
In the interest of healing, we propose its use in form of a cure (10-21 days) with daily frequency and by spending at least 1 to 3 hours in each case.
The group schedule of the medical salt room:
08:30 – 09:30 | 09:40 – 10:40 |10:50 – 11:50 | 12:00 – 13:00 |13:10 – 14:10 |14:20 – 15:20 | 15:30 – 16:30 | 16:40 – 17:40
The European massage is made practically based on the Swedish massage. Its purpose to treat the muscular pains, the stress caused painful knots of muscle caused by our everyday life, the incorrect posture, the all the sitting in a hunched posture or by running around all the day. Due to the massage the tied, tense muscles relax, our body becomes liberated, we can perform our work more effectively, and live the moments of our life gladly.

The different massage technics also can serve the rehabilitation after illnesses, accidents, injuries. Taking care of the weakened muscles, joints with limited movement can highly contribute to the complete healing, assists the healing. The medical massage has its effect together with the other physiotherapy elements, and for this reason, it should be applied before the physiotherapy.
You can read more about the history of the massage at the end of the text.
Effects of the massage treatment:
- interruption of the pathological circle of pain
- improvement of the local circulation of the tissues
- increase the tissue oxygenation and metabolism
- normalization of the muscle tone
- improvement of the general conditions of the body
Where can the pain originate?
As the expert call it, the abnormal circle of pain can develop as a consequence of immobility. Asless oxygen gets to the concerned area, the muscle tissues stick on, muscle knots (muscle spasm) can occur. That means that ultimately the pain is resulted by lack of oxygen. The massage reduces the pain as it eliminates one of its reasons, the muscle spasm.
What can be other reasons of the development of pain?
- Over the age of 40 years the vertebras may become degenerated, may change, and the pain accompanying that increases over the years.
- A szervezetünkbe került és lerakódott különböző méreganyagok is kiválthatnak fájdalmat.

Recommendations for massage:
- lack of movement
- refreshing
- enhance of capacity
- rheumatologic illnesses
- orthopedic illnesses
- asthma
- constipation
- elimination of peripheral circulation failures
- psychosomatic illnesses
- illnesses of the nerve system
- fatigue
- migraine, head-ache
- treatment of muscle pains originating from sporting.
Contraindication of massage:
- fever
- acute inflammation
- ulcers
- tumor on the skin
- psoriasis
- burn injuries
- mole
- lack of epithelium
- tuberculosis (TB)
- myocardial infarction (prohibited for 3 -6 months, after
- that can be applied gently)
- contagious skin diseases
- congenital muscle weakness
- hemophilia
- if you are taking a blood thinner
Before applying massage, it is worth to ask for specialist’s opinion in the following cases:
- old age / infant age
- pathological emaciation
- high blood pressure
- chronic heart illnesses
- pregnancy
- menstruation

The Manual therapy is a special system of healing activities performed by hands. Its use is especially recommended in case of the reduced moving capacity of joints, vertebras added by the muscle stiffness, pain.
The target of the method:
- removal of joint blocks
- Reduction, elimination of the pain developing due to the joint block
- Recovery of the muscle tone, elimination of muscle tension
- Recovery of the normal joint locomotion
- Elimination of the narrowing of the motion
Type of the treatment processes
- Relaxation: massage aimed at relieving muscle cramps and tension.
- Mobilization, that is moving out: it is aimed at the recovery of the normal extent of the joint’s movement.
- Manipulation: Direct impact provided to the joint performed in the form of a short, quick shock.
Treatment contradictions:
- Progressed form of osteoporosis
- Bone death
- Bone fracture, crack
- Hemophilia, blood coagulation problems
- Acute inflammation
The Mulligan manual therapy received its name from Brian Mulligan physiotherapist from New-Zeeland developing this method. The essence of the Mulligan method is that while maintaining the passive mobilization the therapist makes the patient to carry out active movement, and in this way the position failure in the joint becomes corrected and the movement becomes free of pain. The method is based on the special sliding of joint surfaces, separation from each other, soft tissue technics. During the performance of this process we concentrate on the joint relaxation, the purposeful, moderate tensioning of the capsule and tapes, the recovery of the joint movement, the promotion of the movability, and as a result of all that, on the relief of pain.

A Mulligan manual therapy method is suitable for the below cases:
- problems deriving from overstrain (tennis elbows, golf elbows, elbow pain)
- pain due to shrinkage, scarring
- low back, back, neck and hip pain due to poor posture
- tendonitis
- acute sprains
- chronic, painful, narrowed joints
- arthrosis
- treatment of headache and vertigo.
An important step of the process is to teach on the self-therapy in order to make the patient able to become independent from the therapist after some treatments.
In our renewed shop we are awaiting our kind purchasers in the Therapeutic Center of the Therapeutic Bath and Spa.
Opening time: from 8:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. on each day of the weak.

Our assortment:
- Herbal products
- Food supplements
- Teas
- Creams
- Cosmetic products
- Souvenirs
- Ceramics
- Crystal necklace, bracelet
- gingerbread
- refrigerator magnet
- Key holder
- Salt assortment from the Bochnian salt mine in Poland
- Salt lamp
- Bath salts for medical purposes
- Ornaments
We also offer current newspapers, journals every day.
At the gallery of the covered complex, we are also awaiting our kind guests in our beauty salon equipped with modern tools, devices.
Our services:
- hairdresser
- pedicure
- manicure
- artificial nail building.
Opening hours of our salon: from 10:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. on each day of the weak
Appointment, registration by phone at the number +36 / 30 492-8755.

In addition to the water experiences, we also provide sporting possibility to our guests.
We propose to you our standard size football, beach volleyball and handball field covered by sand.
At the ground level of the Therapeutic Center, at the key reception you can rent the following:
- Chair HUF 400/each
- Sunbed HUF 1000/each
- Bathrobe HUF 1000 /day + HUF 5000 deposit
We provide key to the lockers against a deposit of HUF 1,000.
We draw your kind attention that we cannot change money at the key reception. Thank you for your understanding.

The origin of the word itself is not known exactly, but it can come equally from the Greak word massein (rub, knead), the French word massage, the Hebrew word mases, the Arabic word mass (hand stroking, pressing).

The massage is one of the oldest medical procedures, the first written records come from India.
Indians not only had extensive medical knowledge, but also supplemented their baths and sports with massages for both health and ritual purposes.
The massage treatment, which was also an integral part of their treatments, began on the face, continued on the torso, and ended with the limbs. Their medicines were divided into three groups: herbal (plants, fruits, flowers), animal (honey, wax, oils), and minerals (metals, limestone, precious stones). They also anointed the body with fragrant oils during their ritual ceremonies, and then took a bath in the waters of the Ganges River, which is still revered as sacred.

Middle-East and Egypt
Other ancient peoples of the East, the Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, and Persians, used massage as a treatment, especially to heal their wounded soldiers.
In Egypt, it was used to heal both wounds and diseases, attributed magical power to it. The first evidence of the application of healing through the soles of the feet was a nearly 5,000-year-old mural found in the tomb of an Egyptian doctor, but in addition, numerous finds and data prove that massage was a common cure and the science of reflexology was known.

The role of massage can also be found in traditional Chinese medicine, its philosophical basis being Taoism. It harmonizes the balance between internal organs through acupuncture points. One of the oldest medical books dates back to the 3rd century B.C.: the Yellow Emperor's Book of Internal Medicine (Huang Ti Nei Ching), which still serves as a starting point for those involved in Eastern medicine. In addition to the Yin-Yang principle and the five elements doctrine, it provides an accurate description of anatomical concepts, but it also deals with breathing techniques and massage. The second part of the book describes the meridian system (the system of acupuncture channels). The massage was performed by medical priests and combined with active and passive exercise of the body (Tai Chi). It was mainly used for nervous system and circulatory problems. This is also the origin of the acupressure (finger pressure point massage) science, which is actually a simplified version of acupuncture. They placed great emphasis on maintaining good health, and regular exercise was part of their lives. We know from the records of Kung-fu-Ce that their masseurs have been trained for many years and the secret of this has been kept secret.

In ancient Greece, physical education, exercise, and health played a central role.
They took care of the nutrition, had a drinking cure, spent a lot of time at fresh air, bathed and went for massages. The Greeks used massage in body maintenance related to the training of their athletes, but also for healing purposes. Before and after competitions, it was mandatory to massage to refresh tired muscles.
Hippocrates (460-377 BC) learned the methods of massage from the greatest physician of antiquity, Herodicus (482-347 BC), and in his work De Officina Medici he writes about the physiological effects of massage. To chronic patients he advised to exercise, take spa and massage treatments. At that time, the movement was far ahead of the importance of other treatments. He was the first to know the main contraindication, according to which a febrile patient should not be massaged.

Greek culture was absorbed and applied by the Roman Empire. The situation was not different in the field of health, they inherited knowledge and they appreciated the experience gained by the Greeks.
The Greek-born physician Oscasius Asclepius (128-56 BC) was a massager of gladiators in the Roman court of Emperor Julianus, and in his encyclopedic work he summarized his observations, suggestions, and practices that are still valid today. Julius Caesar was massaged daily because of his neuralgia. Roman writer Pliny appreciated his masseuse so much and was so grateful to him that he asked the Roman emperor to grant him the greatest grace and give him Roman civil rights.
Galenus (131-201 AC), one of the greatest physicians of the Roman Empire, adopted the teachings of Hippocrates and gave indications and instructions on massage techniques in his work “Tripsis” (About health protection). He has already used and expanded the repertoire of massage techniques used in rheumatic patients. Nature itself heals, but the doctor must help in the recognition and administration of the natural healing effects.
Celsius, who was also one of the most known Roman physicians, used massage to treat rheumatic patients and injured soldiers. It was mostly done in the big cities, thermal baths (hot baths) and public baths of the empire.
Massage performed by slaves was common. Its time was in the morning and in the evening. In the morning to prepare the body for daily work, and in the evening to prepare it for rest.

Medieval Europe
In Europe, massage began to be used for healing purposes in the 1500s. In the 15th century, the French physician Nicolas Andry wrote about disease prevention and the functional role of the musculoskeletal system. Ambroise Pare based the massage on physiological and anatomical knowledge. In England, the British doctor Francis Fuller urged the massage to be performed by doctors. He testified that with the anatomical knowledge of doctors, the treatment has a distinctly healing effect, but without proper knowledge, it is only botched job. Massage was soon also taught at medical universities in England.
In Hungary, in the court of King Matthias (1443 - 1490), so-called carnivores performed methodical exercises similar to massage. During the Turkish occupation, the culture of bathing became widespread, and with it the practice of massage, as well. The procedures were carried out by the bath masters, and then, under German - Austrian influence, the methods of massage were raised to a scientific level in Hungary as well.
In the 17th century, the English W. Harvey discovered blood circulation, which gave a reasonable justification for the direction of massage, being the same as the direction of circulation. In England, the first private massaging institution was founded in the 1800s, founded by W. Beveridga, who himself was a massager. The institute worked with kneaders (rubbers) who rubbed the deposits in the skin with targeted rubbing grips. They were thought to be the cause of most diseases.