Our gallery opens new exhibitions annually 7-8 times, representing the works of 2 – 3 artists per exhibition. In addition to that, it has two permanent exhibitions, as well: the sugar room of the world and Olympic champion master baker Hanna Erdős and the embroideries of the Folk Decoration Artist Group of Tiszaföldvár are awaiting the visitors. In 2010, we also hosted the national Essence Exhibition as a temporary exhibition, where the work of our co-artist Éva Pálinkás was also included. The works of the traveling exhibition were selected with the involvement of all the counties of the country in order to represent the diversity of amateur art.
At the exhibitions organized in Szolnok and Csongrád counties, in each case 20 – 30 works from our association are judged, and additionally regularly 2-3 of our artists are honored by special individual prize.
We renew every year, we develop ourselves continuously, participate at further training courses, or organize them ourselves. We regularly participate in the creative camps. We had exhibitions as an association in Csongrád-Bokros, at the exhibituon of Szolnok County, in Budapest at the Vigadó of Buda, at the Mayor’s Office in Gödöllő, in Budapest, Bratislava, Kengyel, Debrecen, and continuously in the City Gallery.
Contact details:
Address: 5430 Tiszaföldvár Kossuth Lajos út 163.
Mobile: +36 30 437 2844 Németh Gyula, gallery manager
Website: www.tiszafoldvargaleria.hu