The most important value of our settlement is the 82°C medicinal water arriving to the surface from a depth of 2,300 meter. In the territory of our spa visited from far countries, we operate nine basins. We receive the visitors looking for healing, recreation with a rehabilitative adventure pool, tide pool, swimming pool, kids’ pool, training pool and 4 physical therapy pools. In addition to the healing treatments the main attractiveness of the bath is that it offers high quality service to all generations. The families, groups of friends, couples seeking retreat, singles, young and old people equally can find the required by them possibilities and the way of having a nice time. The canvas slide and the different sporting possibilities (like beach volleyball, beach soccer, beach handball) offer a meaningful, relaxing pastime for the young people, while the healing center provides the same for the older generation. In addition to the earlier already existing therapies, services (tangentor, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, Finnish sauna, pedicure-manicure), the people seeking healing can also take the 3-person weight-bath, bathtub with sparkling water, four-compartment galvanic treatment, solarium, and also can participate at the physiotherapy sessions. The highly qualified staff consisting from two specialist doctors and 15 nurses perform the healing work using the most modern devising complying with the standards of the European Union.
Contact details:
5465 Cserkeszőlő, Fürdő utca 25.
Mobile: +36 56 568-466
E-mail: info@cserkeszolo.hu
Website: http://www.cserkeszolofurdo.hu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cserkefurdo/