When we say lace, a lot of people think of the small, millennial doilies kept under the old chinas of grandmothers. Then who visits us hopefully leaves getting acquainted with a folk art type which nowadays mean again popular, wonderful tablecloth, dresses, interior textiles and accessories. Furthermore, this is the only such representation room of the bobbin lace in the country where in addition to looking at the works and visiting the work process demonstration, you can also learn making bobbin lace, all the exhibited pieces can be purchased or a similar one can be ordered. The intent of the founders was not to establish a museum, but to introduce the present use of the bobbin lace in the home design and dressing. We would like to make popular this activity among young and older people, as well, even in a group form.
Thee entry ticket to the Lace House costs HUF 500.- for adults, HUF 400.- for children (from the age of 8 to 18), and in case of groups HUF 400,- per person (over 10 persons).
Opening hours:
Monday: closed; from Tuesday to Friday: from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m.; on Saturdays, Sundays and Holydays: from 10 a.m. till 7 p.m.
At other times the visitors may be received based on preliminary agreement only.
Contact details:
Cserkeszőlő, Szabadság u. 2, 5465
Mobile: +36 20 360 - 8562
E-mail: info@csipkehaz.hu
Website: https://www.csipkehaz.hu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Csipkeh%C3%A1z-%C3%A9s-Bemutat%C3%B3terem-220064858025402/