The special collection awaits the visitors with two permanent exhibitions. At the exhibition "Just those come to be a soldier" we can learn about the past of the military additions from 1715 to 2004, and history of the 136 years of the military conscription in eleven exhibition rooms, having an area of about 400 m2. The exhibition “Military scenes” is an exhibition consisting of nearly 60 paintings representing the period between 1952 and 1988 of the Hungarian People’s Army by the paintings of the artists, as they saw the every days of the military life in the given era.
Opening hours: After preliminary appointment time agreement, it can be visited all the week. Entrance is free of charge.
Contact coordinates:
MH Military Administration and Central Registration Command of the Hungarian Army
Recruitment and Interest Protection Center no. 1
5000 Szolnok Táncsics Mihály út 5-7.
Phone: +36 56 505 159
E-mail: sorkatona.muzeum@mil.hu
Website: http://www.hadkiegeszites.honvedseg.hu/hknyp/szolnoki_hadkiegeszitesi_szakgyujtemeny