The educational trail introducing the wildlife of the floodplain of river Tisza is located in the administrative area of Rákóczifalva, on the left bank of the river, in a length of 6 km. You can either walk or cycle on it. Among the natural values of this place the most valuables are the willow-summer grove forest, softwood alluvial forest, the oak tree forest of the Bivaly lake, floodplain marsh and the plant associations of flood defense embankment. The information boards located along the educational trail illustrate the different floodplain habitats, the conditions before and after the human interventions, the regeneration processes of the habitat and provide a lot of important information to the tourists. After acquiring the knowledge from the descriptions, you can climb the high viewpoint and can enjoy the landscape around the river Tisza.
People who would like to get more information on the area and its history, can ask for a tour guide, as well. The educational trail also provides opportunity for taking wonderful wildlife photos.
Contact details:
5085 Rákóczifalva, Tisza-part
Mobile: +36 20 221 5720
E-mail: dosagyula@gmail.com
Website: www.rakoczifalva.hu/hu/varos/turizmus/45-tisza-parti-tanoesveny
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